809The Maynards and their children lead an almost perfect billionaire family life. Amon is a passionate hunter, but doesn’t shoot animals, as the family'少狼:大电影
110A terrifying new evil has emerged in Beacon Hills calling for the return of Alpha Werewolf Scott McCall (Tyler Posey), to once again reunite the Bansh枕边书
824和子(邬君梅 饰)小时候每次生日,父亲就会用毛笔蘸上红颜料在她脸上写字,这给和子留下极深刻的印象,她从此认定写在身体上的书法才是唯一的书法。加上自幼接受文学熏陶,内心有着自己独立的想法,却迫于现实中父权的权威而无法尽情释放自我。亦因为难以明白她对自我的追寻是寓于对 文学 的痴迷中,和子的第一段婚姻以